
Compound Freaks – Season 2

Compound Freaks – Season 2 Welcome to the challenging and fun world of English compound nouns!  Compound nouns are integral to everyday life. These words are composed of two or more individual nouns joined together to form a new word. For example, ”work place” = workplace, the place where you go to work and earn money. Compound nouns take multiple, unpredictable forms. If you like…

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13 Eponyms

OK, OK. It’s another article with a completely weird “-nym” word in the title. You may well be asking yourself, “Eponyms? What’s an eponym? And how’s that going to help me put bread on my table?” Well, to that I say, “Good questions!” Let’s deal with one of them. (Sorry — I can’t help you out with the bread.) What’s an eponym? In short —…

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Sofia’s 10 Tips for Enjoyment of English

Tip #1 During an English class, you need to feel good, so a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere is an absolutely must. As emotional intelligence guru Dan Goleman says: “When we are relaxed, it’s easier to achieve the most productive state of mind.“ Tip #2 During your homework, try to repeat new words and phrases out loud. Maybe imagine yourself as an actor or actress, practising…

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Make It Snappy – Camping Adventures

Between 1990 and 2010 I went camping and hiking with my fellow scouts and my close friends almost every weekend. We learned an awful lot about nature and how one should behave when out there.  We used to visit all kinds of places in the Czech Republic. The photo with some basic camping-gear vocabulary is from my favourite spot in Labske Piskovce.  I would return…

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Carisa Got Help Swiftly

TOEFL score speaking improvement … 13 points in one week.  The first time Carisa took the TOEFL, she studied for months and achieved only 76. She needed at least 95 to apply to U.S. business schools and to the coveted scholarships. Her next attempt was now just a week away, and she was unable to master the speaking questions. Carisa anticipated washing another $240 down the drain. Desperately,…

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