The Metaverse

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The Metaverse


Is it possible to converse with the Metaverse? Or traverse the Metaverse? Is the Metaverse diverse? If not, that would be perverse, and send things into reverse. One of the beautiful aspects of the English language is the incorporation of prefixes and suffixes into recognisable words. But is the Metaverse, with all its ramifications, recognisable? This lesson will verse you in the coming technology, with no adverse reaction. In fact, it will be the obverse. Scientific and linguistic education at one and the same time. Welcome to the LOS universe!

  • Level: Advanced
  • Length: 60 Minutes
  • Keywords: Business Cases, Positive & Negative Speculation, Techie Collocations
  • LOS Idiomania Podcast Episode #50
  • Answer Sheet
  • YouTube Lesson Intro

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